The Interdenominational Theological Center


The Interdenominational Theological Center was chartered in 1958 through the mutual efforts of four seminaries that came together to form one school of theology, in cooperation as an ecumenical cluster. The collaborative later added two additional schools and today houses five seminaries and an ecumenical fellowship. ITC is the world’s only graduate theology program with this unique model that is exclusively African American but inclusive to all people.

The Bulletin of the Interdenominational Theological Center

The Bulletin of the Interdenominational Theological Center

  • The Interdenominational Theological Center Bulletin is a handbook of Information about the academic affairs of the college in a given year. These publications usually include the list of trustees, officers of instruction, and administrators. They also contain information about the curriculum in the various programs, detail admission policies and requirements, participating seminaries, explain degree and certificate programs, note tuition fees, provide a copy of the academic calendar, and describe general regulations of the center.

Magazine: The Journal of ITC

  • The Journal of the Interdenominational Theological Center also known as JITC is a publication by ITC to highlight the work of faculty.

Newspaper/newsletter: The Center

  • The Center was a publication of the Interdenominational Center in the interest of the Cooperating seminaries of I.T.C. (Gammon Theological School, Morehouse School of Religion, Phillips School of Theology, and Turner Theological School), the alumni, and the Stewart Missionary Foundation of Africa. The scope of the Center embraces articles of wide general interest as well as more detailed discussions or special subjects from the Divisions of Biblical, Historical, Theological, and practical studies.

Newspaper/newsletter: The Foundation

  • Published quarterly in the interest of Gammon Theological Seminary, the Alumni, and the Stewart Missionary Foundation for Africa.

Interdenominational Theological Center Yearbooks

  • The yearbook of the Interdenominational Theological Center chronicles the annual activities of the institutions. The respective schools are: Gammon Theological Seminary, The Morehouse School of Religion, Phillips School of Theology, and Turner Theological Seminary.

Graduate Theses and Dissertations

  • The Interdenominational Theological Center (ITC) is the world’s premier resource for Black church scholarship and faith-based solutions to the spiritual and socioeconomic challenges confronting the African American community.

Newspaper/newsletter: The Lantern

  • The Lantern is an Alumni News publication. The newsletter is used to highlight the work of alumni, important dates, and general information about the activities of the institution.


For more digital research and scholarship from the ITC, please visit ITC's home page on RADAR.

The Interdenominational Theological Center